Rinbee Cheese Stick
Variants : cheese and cheese pizza
Packing per carton : 65g x 24 pcs / 11g x 80 pcs / 11g x 120 pcs
Carton dimension : 42.4 x 28.4 x 40.7 cm / 47.4 x 37.4 x 21.7 cm / 38 x 22 x 63 cm
Category: Snack
Variants : cheese and cheese pizza
Packing per carton : 65g x 24 pcs / 11g x 80 pcs / 11g x 120 pcs
Carton dimension : 42.4 x 28.4 x 40.7 cm / 47.4 x 37.4 x 21.7 cm / 38 x 22 x 63 cm
Globe - 2020 by Your Inspiration Themes