Porstex Porcelain / Ceramic Cleaner

Porstex  is a powerful cleaning fluid formulated for removing stubborn stains and germs from porcelain and ceramic surfaces instantly. After applying Porstex, the surfaces will become as new as before.  It is mainly  used to clean bathroom tiles, wash basins, bath tubs and floors made of ceramics and porcelains or plastic materials. Do not use on terrasos, marbles, granites, and wooden floors.

Pour a small amount of the liquid on the corner of the surface to be cleaned and check the result.

Available in 2 variants: WL (Blue) and WB (Purple).


Packing :

500 ml x 12 bottles

1 ltr x 12 bottles

2 ltr x 6 bottles

3.7 ltr x 4 jerrycan

20 ltr / jerrycan
